Apply For Child Care Assistance

How Do I Know If I Am Eligible For Child Care Assistance?

  • Have an accepted service need or reason for child care.
  • Calculate your Monthly Gross Income for you and your household (everyone in your home or share the same physical address that are earning an income). Compare your Monthly Gross Income to the guideline table below and see if it is less than the amount shown for your household size.
  • Parents and children have to be living in Guam and the children needing child care must be a U.S. Citizen or a Permanent Resident.



How Do I Apply For Child Care Assistance?

  1. Applicants MUST have a completed application with all supporting documents that pertain to your family.
  2. Submit the complete application at our BCCS office or via email to: [email protected]
  3. Upon receipt of the application, an interview will be conducted in person or through phone.
  4. Applications for assistance will be processed based on the date of completion

For our Child Care Application, page 1 will show what documents you need to attach with your application. Gather your documents and submit either by emailing us at [email protected] or bring to our office at Room 15 Castle Mall, Mangilao.

Child Care Application
Child Care Application(Chuukese)
Child Care Application (Yapese)
Child Care Application (Kosraean)

If you have a foster child, then download our Foster Child Care Application below and begin filling it out. The process will be similar except this would require a different set of documents as shown on page 1 of the application.

Foster Care Application
Foster Care Application(Chuukese)
Foster Care Application (Yapese)
Foster Care Application (Kosraean)

Please note that your eligibility will be determined by our Eligibility Specialists who will contact you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can call us at 671-735-7344 or email us at [email protected]


Other Supporting Documents or Forms

Vendor Account Form Complete to establish a DOA Vendor Number
Medical Consent Form Complete this IF you are unable to work due to a medical, physical, mental, or emotional problem or are an individual identified as a caretaker for someone who needs a full or part time caretaker.
Employee Earnings Statement Form  Complete this IF you do not have a check-stub or an employer does not provide check-stubs (ex. Mom-And-Pop Stores, etc.).
Employment Verification Form Form is used to verify the business or organization you are employed with or work in and any other employment information.
Self-Employment Income Form Complete this IF you are self-employed or own a business and earn income
Separation Clearance Form This form must be completed when a client would like to transfer their children to another day care or child care facility. Example: Change of Residency (My family moved to another village and would like a day care closer to my home.)
Consent For Release of Certificate Form This form is used to authorize or allow someone (other than the applicant) to receive the child care certificate.
Change Report Form This form is used to report any changes to your contact information, income, household size, etc.
Child Care Provider Data Form


Available Child Care Providers

Please see our child care provider directory which contains a variety of child care providers across Guam where you can enroll your child/children for day care or after school.

Monitoring Reports (Inspection Reports) can be found in our Child Care Provider Directory in the “MORE DETAILS” tab.

DEH (Department of Environmental Health) Health Inspection Reports for licensed child care providers can be found on their online database here.

Sliding Fee Scale (Co-Pay Table)

Family Size Co-Pay Amount Per Month
1 $0
2 $25
3 $75
4 $75
5 $75
  • Co-Payments are set for each family size and does not increase if the Family Size is more than five (5).
  • The co-pay amount is charged per child so:
    • A family size of 4 (2 parents and 2 children) with 2 children in care would pay $150 per month.
Per BCCS Policy #2021-01, co-pay is waived for all families during a declared period of emergency or disaster, subject to the Governor signing a proclamation of a State of Emergency or Disaster.

Per BCCS Policy #2022-01, co-pay is waived for families experiencing homelessness, in foster care, eligible for TANF services, minor parents, and families with income below 100% of the federal poverty level.

Market Reports